Tuesday 28 August 2012

Playdough Recipe

Playdough Recipe

Today we made purple playdough as it's today's favourite colour! Again, this is a really good recipe to make with your toddler as it's measured in cups and it's half the fun!!

1 cup cooking/table salt
1 1/2 cups plain flour
4 tblsp cream of tartar
4 tblsp cooking oil - sunflower/vegetable or olive oil.
Just under 1 cup of water - you can add more if you need
food colouring

Mix all the ingredients together and stir well. I add food colouring using tiny syringes that come with Katie's multi vitamins and then knead together like bread dough until it's smooth and the colour is uniform.

Should keep indefinately if stored in a plastic bag or container.

Pancakes for little helpers

Pancakes for little chefs.

Anything involving measuring with cups is genius with toddlers, Katie doesn't eat much, but she loves these!

1 Cup plain flour
3/4 cup milk
1 tsp baking powder
2 tblsp golden syrup
tiny pinch salt
1 tblsp melted butter
1 egg

Mix all the ingredients until fairly smooth (if your little helper will let you near the whisk!)

Fry on a low to medium heat until golden on both sides, you will see the bubbles rising and popping, then flip over.

I'd like to say I serve this with fresh seasonal fruit and natural yoghurt.... but in all honesty, I serve it with nutella because I know she'll eat it :)

Finger food that all children will love that's quick and you're cooking with them. Win/win. Enjoy. x

Home Made Finger Paints

Finger Paints.

Home made, cheap, non toxic and will last as long as expensive shop bought paint! Amazing colours too from red, yellow and blue liquid food colouring.

1 cup cornflour, mix with 1 cup cold water add 3 cups boiling water and ...
stir until thick like custard.

Split into three, add yellow to one, red to another and blue to the last one, then mix the primary colours together to get the secondary colours.

Idea taken from www.rainydaymum.co.uk

Home Made Watercolour Paints

Watercolour Paints

Home made paints, take two days to dry and have really good colours. Cheap to make and non toxic from everyday cupboard ingredients.

3 tbsp bicarbonate of soda
3 tbsp cornflour

3 tbsp white vinegar
2 tsp liquid glucose syrup
food colouring

Mix bicarb, cornflour, vinegar and glucose until it stops fizzing, seperate and add a few drops of food colouring to create the desired colours. Leave to dry on a windowsill for 2 days till dry.

**Liquid glucose is made 1 part water to 2 parts sugar, boil until sugar dissolved**

Recipe idea from Eco Crafting with kids by Kate Lilley

Thursday 16 August 2012

The Gruffalo Mask

The Gruffalo mask...

Made out of felt with elastic to keep it on your face. Brilliant for role play. Am considering making a whole Gruffalo storysack to sell but stick with the masks for now.

Available to buy on my Etsy site : https://www.etsy.com/listing/106552569/hand-sewn-gruffalo-mask-made-out-of-felt